Sunday, April 4, 2010

Home Exercise foldable treadmill Reviews & Tips

Maglevity Transport -- Top by Uspez Morbo

If you need a treadmill, then you need the Sole F63 Treadmill. When you buy this treadmill, you know you are getting something that will work for life.When people complain about the treadmill being boring, it is probably because they do the same workout over and over.Home fitness equipmentIt is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. Here are two great treadmill workouts you can use if you are pressed for time. The most important feature of a manual treadmill is the cost. folding treadmillToday, the fitness treadmill is an affordable piece of exercise equipment. For someone who's seriously into running and getting the exercise they need, a treadmill is a must to ensure your running schedule is not compromised. Any of the above mentioned treadmills can make a great choice if you are serious about either walking or running your way to fitness. However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. Below is a short list of the main features you should look at when reviewing treadmill exercise equipment.There are many factors to consider - performance, durability, motor size, and all of those features that are now being offered.

You’ve asked, I’m answering!

Elizabeth wanted to know about workouts that are quick — yet powerful. When we had little time to work out, Jill would start us off incline-walking or jogging. I suggest putting the treadmill to where you think you should be, then increasing the incline by 1.5 or 2. Then, bump up your MPH by 2.0. That is, basically, how we would warm up.  She would then pull off a contestant one by one for a fast five to 10 minutes to get your heart rate pumping. The other contestants would stay on cardio equipment until they were called. When you were on the floor with Jill you would do whatever she was in the mood for — boxing, lunges, walking planks, ropes, jump squats. The last 15 minutes she would end with sprints on the treadmill, StairMaster or Elliptical.

Lyndsey wants to know how contestants afford being on The Biggest Loser. Well, it is not easy! A lot of the contestants give up everything to come on this show. I left a job where I just got promoted, a brand new apartment (7 months were still on the lease), my family, pets and friends. When you want something so badly, you will do anything to achieve it. If I didn’t go on the show, I would have been “going under the knife.” I had to tap into my savings because the show does not pay your salary. Everyone figures out a way to make it happen.

Now onto this week’s episode: Off the bat we start with a pop challenge and the prize is AWESOME: Hanging out at a five-star hotel and getting spa treatments. On the ranch you work out so hard you sometimes have to force yourself to chill out. But I am disappointed in the lack of knowledge of the contestants. Am I right in saying that all questions were answered incorrectly first?

I can’t say I can empathize with the black team because during my season the black team won every challenge and weigh-in. When we did win, I knew the other team was so frustrated I would always try to refrain from jumping around and yelling joyfully. It has to be hard to keep losing. But I was more than pleased to learn it was a cooking challenge with celebrity Chef Curtis Stone. I was laughing out loud when he was chewing Daris’s brisket.

I was more than ecstatic that the black team won, but I feel they thought that they had it in the bag with those 5 lbs. Bob had his work cut out for him and he killed it. There were a few instances when I was even like, ‘Whoa, Bob is going for it!’ and I think you even saw the same expression from Jillian. The proof: Daris’s elbow skin was literally left in the gym!

This was a super competitive week. I was sad to see Sherry go, but to be honest I think it will be good for her and Ashley. Now Sherry is home and Ashley can’t be reached. It’s time for Sherry to figure it out on her own at home.

I was fortunate enough to meet Sherry not too long ago, while I was speaking at a health expo in Tennessee. She is such a sincere, kindhearted woman who wants the best for her little girl. I know Ashley is strong but hope she allows herself to be broken on the ranch so she can be built up with Jill’s help as a new person without her mother by her side. They both have an excellent opportunity for growth right now. I hope they take advantage of it!

My MVP this week goes to Daris! I finally feel like we are getting to see his personality with his mother being gone. I think this guy will be around for awhile. For him to fight through tells me he is ready for the ranch! –Tara Costa

Tell us: Who do you think will make it to makeover week? Were you surprised by Michael’s 11 lb. weight loss? What are your questions for Tara?

Trae Patton/NBC


Once a week, Daily Intel looks behind doors left slightly ajar. This week: The Casually Dating Nonprofit Worker in Love With His Hookup Buddy: male, 25, financial district, single, gay


8:47 a.m.: Make eye contact with a cute guy who is checking me out as he steps off the 4 train … full head turn ensues. This is going to be a great day.

9:01 a.m.: My hot boss grunts his hello when I walk past his office. He is an ass, but I am usually too busy staring at his amazing body to let it bug me. He spends three hours at the gym every day and it is worth every minute!

3:45 p.m.: Get a text from my Old Man to set up dinner later this week. He is a mid-40s finance executive. We’ve been seeing each other for about three months, after being introduced by a friend of his who I also hooked up with.

3:47 p.m.: Old Man tells me he misses me, which would be great if he were fifteen years younger. We got in a stupid fight last week and I have been ignoring him because I am mature like that. My attitude toward this whole thing is that I will continue as long as it benefits me. We make plans for dinner later in the week.

11:15 p.m.: Out for drinks and get a text from my regular Hookup Buddy for tonight. We have been hooking up regularly since the summer. Great except I have started to fall for him. Hard. My last relationship ended after college, when I dated a great guy who I managed to systematically, and completely unintentionally, wreak emotional havoc on. He no longer answers my phone calls.

11:29 p.m.: Naked.

11:34 p.m.: I usually only top but lately have been enjoying switching things up a bit. His dick is big but I’ve always liked a challenge.

11:45 p.m.: He finishes and I get on top. Best. Night. Ever.

3 a.m.: Wake up and jerk each other off. Finish and fall back asleep thinking that I really wish we could make this something real. The only problem is that we really know nothing about each other, but have probably the best sexual chemistry I have ever experienced. I haven’t had the balls to bring this up either.


8:15 a.m.: Walking down Wall Street in my wrinkly clothes. I feel like I smell like sex.

3:45 p.m.: In a meeting, discussing strategy for our upcoming round of prospect visits. Manage to get myself assigned to the West Coast. I have managed to take my ability to talk to anyone and turn it into a profitable career.

7 p.m.: Go to the gym and catch myself staring at all the hot banker types.

11:45 p.m.: Get a text from a recent hookup. We met on Craigslist but ended up texting and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. I am fairly new to the city and don’t have many gay friends, so I really like hanging out with him. However, it is ridiculously cold and he lives way uptown, plus his penis is small, so I pass. Briefly consider jerking off but end up falling asleep.


8:01 a.m.: Fight with roommate over length of shower. I do the math for him: 4 people + 1 shower = Problems.

8:05 a.m.: Roommate comes into my room to apologize wearing only boxer briefs. Anger quickly subsides. The outfit was probably intentional.

7 p.m.: On treadmill next to hot guy who has the body of “the Situation” but a much hotter face. Switch treadmills. It’s hard to run with a boner.

10:45 p.m.: Aimlessly peruse Craigslist. Everyone either has a fake picture or is a crack addict. I have no idea why I think a meaningful relationship may come out of a Craigslist e-mail, but I have not been able to shake that thought lately

11:15 p.m.: Flirty text from my Old Man about dinner tomorrow night.

11:20 p.m.: How did people live before picture messaging? So hot.


7:30 p.m.: Dinner with Old Man. He tries to hold my hand on the way to dinner. No dice.

10:45 p.m.: In bed making out with Old Man. Notice missed call from my dad, who is only five years older than my date. I laugh to myself as I think about what my parents would think if they could see me now. Even I wonder what the hell I am doing, but I enjoy his company. Okay, I just enjoy feeling special. Why is that so wrong

11:45 p.m.: Old Man asks where I see our relationship going. Ugh.

Midnight: Fall asleep cuddling. This is really what I want, just not with Old Man.


4:55 p.m.: Start preparations for my birthday party tonight. I am turning 25 this week, which somehow seems extremely depressing.

10:45 p.m.: Fifth broken wine glass tells me this is going to be a fantastic night.

12:50 a.m.: Flirt with roommate’s gay friend at my party. He is nice, smart, and cute.

1:45 a.m.: Drunkenly hug new friend good-bye, promise to keep in touch. He is taking my sloppy roommate home. Wish it was me.

3:30 a.m.: In a cab with my girlfriends to after-party. Cab driver plays a Spanish techno version of "Happy Birthday." How could this night get any better?

4:45 a.m.: Call Ex-Boyfriend and tell him that I love him. Pretty sure behavior like this is why he no longer answers my phone calls.


11:45 a.m. Wake up to find chicken nuggets and fries in my bed. Try to remember when I went to McDonald’s. Twenty-five years old, but still a hot mess. I don’t know exactly what I thought 25 would be like. By most measures I’m doing pretty well: great job that I love, great friends, but sometimes I can’t help but feel it would be a lot more fun if I had someone to share it with.

2:45 p.m. Text from the gay dude I met last night. He hopes I enjoyed my birthday. Spend far too long trying to come up with witty response.

10 p.m.Call Hookup Buddy that I love. Make plans for tomorrow night. I’m just excited to hang out with him.


7:45 a.m.: Serious morning wood. Casual stroking turns into watching porn. Nothing like a little in the morning. My life would be less complete without amateur porn.

7:55 a.m.: Jerking off in the morning really clears my head.

9:45 a.m.: My boss looks extra hot today. He comes up behind me and rubs my shoulders. Good thing I wore briefs instead of boxers today or else everyone within 100 yards would notice my raging hard-on.

11:45 a.m.: Run home on my lunch break. I love Wall Street during the day. These guys are all so aggressive and hot. Imagine them pushing me down on a bed and getting naked. Masturbate again. Wash my hands and head back to work.

9:45 p.m.: Hookup Buddy calls and tells me to bring condoms.

9:47 p.m.: Roommate gives me a pep talk and tries to convince me to tell my Hookup Buddy how I feel. I would really like to go on a date and see what happens. I feel like that would seem awfully random given our history, but I don’t want to deprive myself of the amazing sex.

10:05 p.m.: At Hookup Buddy’s house. Make out for five solid minutes before coming up for air. He pulls my hair a little while we are kissing and I have to hold on to him to keep standing.

10:45 p.m.: We start to 69 and get really into it. Poppers always spice things up a little. We finish together in one big, sloppy mess and fall asleep cuddling.

TOTALS: One act of mutual oral sex with non-reciprocated love; two acts of intercourse with two partners; one drunken call to ex-boyfriend declaring love for him; one rejected hookup offer.

Do you wish to have your own treadmill at home but you worry that it may not compliment the style of your home? All treadmills have programs for all individuals no matter what there fitness goals are. You should definitely look at what people are calling a best buy, and a great addition to the exercise world. You can get a full 15% incline, allowing you to train well no matter what the weather is like outside. More than just an easy to use machine it comes with full stereo speakers to guide you through whatever kind of sounds you want to workout to. folding treadmillThis treadmill priced a little high than other brands has some additional features which support for the high price. It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.First of all, the frame of a commercial treadmill is made of a high alloy steel or aluminum, and is welded, as opposed to put together with nuts and bolts, like consumer grade equipment. This treadmill is also used in schools, heavy traffic gyms, hospitals and health clubs as this can cater all fitness levels and ages.